CIM® EDA Disk (Ethylene diamino) (Pores 1.3 um)

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CIM® EDA-0.34 mL is a shallow, disk-shaped monolith with a column volume of 0.34 mL. It is predominantly suitable for initial screening and method development. The CIM® EDA-0.34 mL disk needs to be inserted into a housing and is immediately ready for use. EDA (ethylendiamino) is a weak type of anion exchange group, fully charged between pH 3-9. It selectively binds biomolecules with a predominant negative charge over a working pH range of 3-9. In contrast to DEAE or QA chemistry, it contains free primary amino groups. Monolithic EDA can be used for two different applications:

  • In anion exchange mode, free primary amino groups result in additional interactions between biomolecules and ligands. Due to this not purely ion-exchange based effect, EDA needs higher concentrations of NaCl for elution of biomolecules. For this reason, EDA is defined as a salt-tolerant chemistry.
  • EDA can be used as preactivated media for immobilization of peptides, proteins, and other compounds containing amino or thiol groups. The eight atom spacer arm between your immobilized molecule and the monolithic matrix represents a hydrolytically stable and non-charged covalent linkage. Using this approach, EDA monoliths become custom made affinity columns, bioreactors, or screening tools – it is up to your individual needs.

Read more: axial flow, Conjoint Liquid Chromatography (CLC)